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Source code for dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.automation_condition

import datetime
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Mapping, Sequence
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, Optional

from typing_extensions import Self

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import experimental, public
from dagster._core.asset_graph_view.entity_subset import EntitySubset
from dagster._core.asset_graph_view.serializable_entity_subset import SerializableEntitySubset
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_key import (
from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.serialized_objects import (
from dagster._core.definitions.partition import AllPartitionsSubset
from dagster._core.definitions.time_window_partitions import TimeWindowPartitionsSubset
from dagster._record import copy, record
from dagster._serdes.serdes import is_whitelisted_for_serdes_object
from dagster._time import get_current_timestamp
from import non_secure_md5_hash_str
from dagster._utils.warnings import disable_dagster_warnings

    from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_policy import AutoMaterializePolicy
    from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.automation_context import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import AndAutomationCondition
    from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators.dep_operators import (

[docs] class AutomationCondition(ABC, Generic[T_EntityKey]): """An AutomationCondition represents a condition of an asset that impacts whether it should be automatically executed. For example, you can have a condition which becomes true whenever the code version of the asset is changed, or whenever an upstream dependency is updated. .. code-block:: python from dagster import AutomationCondition, asset @asset(automation_condition=AutomationCondition.on_cron("0 0 * * *")) def my_asset(): ... AutomationConditions may be combined together into expressions using a variety of operators. .. code-block:: python from dagster import AssetSelection, AutomationCondition, asset # any dependencies from the "important" group are missing any_important_deps_missing = AutomationCondition.any_deps_match( AutomationCondition.missing(), ).allow(AssetSelection.groups("important")) # there is a new code version for this asset since the last time it was requested new_code_version = AutomationCondition.code_version_changed().since( AutomationCondition.newly_requested() ) # there is a new code version and no important dependencies are missing my_condition = new_code_version & ~any_important_deps_missing @asset(automation_condition=my_condition) def my_asset(): ... """ @property def requires_cursor(self) -> bool: return True @property def children(self) -> Sequence["AutomationCondition"]: return [] @property def description(self) -> str: """Human-readable description of when this condition is true.""" return "" @property def name(self) -> str: """Formal name of this specific condition, generally aligning with its static constructor.""" return self.__class__.__name__ def get_label(self) -> Optional[str]: return None def get_node_snapshot(self, unique_id: str) -> AutomationConditionNodeSnapshot: """Returns a snapshot of this condition that can be used for serialization.""" return AutomationConditionNodeSnapshot( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, description=self.description, unique_id=unique_id, label=self.get_label(),, ) def get_snapshot( self, *, parent_unique_id: Optional[str] = None, index: Optional[int] = None ) -> AutomationConditionSnapshot: """Returns a serializable snapshot of the entire AutomationCondition tree.""" unique_id = self.get_node_unique_id(parent_unique_id=parent_unique_id, index=index) node_snapshot = self.get_node_snapshot(unique_id) children = [ child.get_snapshot(parent_unique_id=unique_id, index=i) for (i, child) in enumerate(self.children) ] return AutomationConditionSnapshot(node_snapshot=node_snapshot, children=children) def get_node_unique_id(self, *, parent_unique_id: Optional[str], index: Optional[int]) -> str: """Returns a unique identifier for this condition within the broader condition tree.""" parts = [str(parent_unique_id), str(index),] return non_secure_md5_hash_str("".join(parts).encode()) def get_unique_id( self, *, parent_node_unique_id: Optional[str] = None, index: Optional[int] = None ) -> str: """Returns a unique identifier for the entire subtree.""" node_unique_id = self.get_node_unique_id( parent_unique_id=parent_node_unique_id, index=index ) child_unique_ids = [ child.get_unique_id(parent_node_unique_id=node_unique_id, index=i) for i, child in enumerate(self.children) ] return non_secure_md5_hash_str("".join([node_unique_id, *child_unique_ids]).encode()) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.get_unique_id()) @property def has_rule_condition(self) -> bool: from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.legacy import RuleCondition if isinstance(self, RuleCondition): return True return any(child.has_rule_condition for child in self.children) @property def is_serializable(self) -> bool: if not is_whitelisted_for_serdes_object(self): return False return all(child.is_serializable for child in self.children) def as_auto_materialize_policy(self) -> "AutoMaterializePolicy": """Returns an AutoMaterializePolicy which contains this condition.""" from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_policy import AutoMaterializePolicy with disable_dagster_warnings(): return AutoMaterializePolicy.from_automation_condition(self) @abstractmethod def evaluate( self, context: "AutomationContext[T_EntityKey]" ) -> "AutomationResult[T_EntityKey]": raise NotImplementedError() def __and__( self, other: "AutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]" ) -> "AndAutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]": from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import ( AndAutomationCondition, ) # Consolidate any unlabeled `AndAutomationCondition`s together. return AndAutomationCondition( operands=[ *( self.operands if isinstance(self, AndAutomationCondition) and self.label is None else (self,) ), *( other.operands if isinstance(other, AndAutomationCondition) and other.label is None else (other,) ), ] ) def __or__( self, other: "AutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]" ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]": from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import OrAutomationCondition # Consolidate any unlabeled `OrAutomationCondition`s together. return OrAutomationCondition( operands=[ *( self.operands if isinstance(self, OrAutomationCondition) and self.label is None else (self,) ), *( other.operands if isinstance(other, OrAutomationCondition) and other.label is None else (other,) ), ] ) def __invert__(self) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]": from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import ( NotAutomationCondition, ) return NotAutomationCondition(operand=self) def since( self, reset_condition: "AutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]" ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if this condition has become true since the last time the reference condition became true. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import SinceCondition return SinceCondition(trigger_condition=self, reset_condition=reset_condition) def newly_true(self) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true only on the tick that this condition goes from false to true for a given target. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import NewlyTrueCondition return NewlyTrueCondition(operand=self) def since_last_handled(self: "AutomationCondition") -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if this condition has become true since the target was last requested or updated, and since the last time this target's condition was modified. """ with disable_dagster_warnings(): return self.since( ( AutomationCondition.newly_requested() | AutomationCondition.newly_updated() | AutomationCondition.initial_evaluation() ).with_label("handled") )
[docs] @public @staticmethod def asset_matches( key: "CoercibleToAssetKey", condition: "AutomationCondition[AssetKey]" ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if this condition is true for the given key.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import ( EntityMatchesCondition, ) asset_key = AssetKey.from_coercible(key) return EntityMatchesCondition(key=asset_key, operand=condition)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def any_deps_match(condition: "AutomationCondition") -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for a if at least one partition of the any of the target's dependencies evaluate to True for the given condition. Args: condition (AutomationCondition): The AutomationCondition that will be evaluated against this target's dependencies. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import AnyDepsCondition return AnyDepsCondition(operand=condition)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def all_deps_match(condition: "AutomationCondition") -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for a if at least one partition of the all of the target's dependencies evaluate to True for the given condition. Args: condition (AutomationCondition): The AutomationCondition that will be evaluated against this target's dependencies. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import AllDepsCondition return AllDepsCondition(operand=condition)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def any_checks_match( condition: "AutomationCondition[AssetCheckKey]", blocking_only: bool = False ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for if at least one of the target's checks evaluate to True for the given condition. Args: condition (AutomationCondition): The AutomationCondition that will be evaluated against this asset's checks. blocking_only (bool): Determines if this condition will only be evaluated against blocking checks. Defaults to False. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import AnyChecksCondition return AnyChecksCondition(operand=condition, blocking_only=blocking_only)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def all_checks_match( condition: "AutomationCondition[AssetCheckKey]", blocking_only: bool = False ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[AssetKey]": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for an asset partition if all of its checks evaluate to True for the given condition. Args: condition (AutomationCondition): The AutomationCondition that will be evaluated against this asset's checks. blocking_only (bool): Determines if this condition will only be evaluated against blocking checks. Defaults to False. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import AllChecksCondition return AllChecksCondition(operand=condition, blocking_only=blocking_only)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def missing() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target has not been executed.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( MissingAutomationCondition, ) return MissingAutomationCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def run_in_progress() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target is part of an in-progress run.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( RunInProgressAutomationCondition, ) return RunInProgressAutomationCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def backfill_in_progress() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target is part of an in-progress backfill.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( BackfillInProgressAutomationCondition, ) return BackfillInProgressAutomationCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def execution_failed() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the latest execution of the target failed.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( ExecutionFailedAutomationCondition, ) return ExecutionFailedAutomationCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def in_progress() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for an asset partition if it is part of an in-progress run or backfill. """ return ( AutomationCondition.run_in_progress() | AutomationCondition.backfill_in_progress() ).with_label("in_progress")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def check_passed() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[AssetCheckKey]": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for an asset check if it has evaluated against the latest materialization of an asset and passed. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import CheckResultCondition return CheckResultCondition(passed=True)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def check_failed() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[AssetCheckKey]": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for an asset check if it has evaluated against the latest materialization of an asset and failed. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import CheckResultCondition return CheckResultCondition(passed=False)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def initial_evaluation() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true on the first evaluation of the expression.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( InitialEvaluationCondition, ) return InitialEvaluationCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def in_latest_time_window( lookback_delta: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true when the target it is within the latest time window. Args: lookback_delta (Optional, datetime.timedelta): If provided, the condition will return all partitions within the provided delta of the end of the latest time window. For example, if this is used on a daily-partitioned asset with a lookback_delta of 48 hours, this will return the latest two partitions. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( InLatestTimeWindowCondition, ) return InLatestTimeWindowCondition.from_lookback_delta(lookback_delta)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def will_be_requested() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target will be requested this tick.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( WillBeRequestedCondition, ) return WillBeRequestedCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def newly_updated() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target has been updated since the previous tick.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import NewlyUpdatedCondition return NewlyUpdatedCondition()
@staticmethod def executed_with_root_target() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the latest run that updated the target also executed with the root key that the global condition is applied to. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( LatestRunExecutedWithRootTargetCondition, ) return LatestRunExecutedWithRootTargetCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def newly_requested() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target was requested on the previous tick.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( NewlyRequestedCondition, ) return NewlyRequestedCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def code_version_changed() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition[AssetKey]": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target's code version has been changed since the previous tick. """ from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands.operands import ( CodeVersionChangedCondition, ) return CodeVersionChangedCondition()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def cron_tick_passed( cron_schedule: str, cron_timezone: str = "UTC" ) -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is whenever a cron tick of the provided schedule is passed.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operands import ( CronTickPassedCondition, ) return CronTickPassedCondition(cron_schedule=cron_schedule, cron_timezone=cron_timezone)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def newly_missing() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true on the tick that the target becomes missing.""" return AutomationCondition.missing().newly_true().with_label("newly_missing")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def any_deps_updated() -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target has at least one dependency that has updated since the previous tick, or will be requested on this tick. Will ignore parent updates if the run that updated the parent also plans to update the asset or check that this condition is applied to. """ return AutomationCondition.any_deps_match( ( AutomationCondition.newly_updated() # executed_with_root_target is fairly expensive on a per-partition basis, # but newly_updated is bounded in the number of partitions that might be # updated on a single tick & ~AutomationCondition.executed_with_root_target() ).with_label("newly_updated_without_root") | AutomationCondition.will_be_requested() ).with_label("any_deps_updated")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def any_deps_missing() -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target has at least one dependency that is missing, and will not be requested on this tick. """ return AutomationCondition.any_deps_match( AutomationCondition.missing() & ~AutomationCondition.will_be_requested() ).with_label("any_deps_missing")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def any_deps_in_progress() -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true if the target has at least one dependency that is in progress. """ return AutomationCondition.any_deps_match(AutomationCondition.in_progress()).with_label( "any_deps_in_progress" )
[docs] @public @staticmethod def all_deps_blocking_checks_passed() -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition that is true for any partition where all upstream blocking checks have passed, or will be requested on this tick. In-tick requests are allowed to enable creating runs that target both a parent with blocking checks and a child. Even though the checks have not currently passed, if they fail within the run, the run machinery will prevent the child from being materialized. """ return AutomationCondition.all_deps_match( AutomationCondition.all_checks_match( AutomationCondition.check_passed() | AutomationCondition.will_be_requested(), blocking_only=True, ).with_label("all_blocking_checks_passed") ).with_label("all_deps_blocking_checks_passed")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def all_deps_updated_since_cron( cron_schedule: str, cron_timezone: str = "UTC" ) -> "DepsAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomatonCondition that is true if all of the target's dependencies have updated since the latest tick of the provided cron schedule. """ return AutomationCondition.all_deps_match( AutomationCondition.newly_updated().since( AutomationCondition.cron_tick_passed(cron_schedule, cron_timezone) ) | AutomationCondition.will_be_requested() ).with_label(f"all_deps_updated_since_cron({cron_schedule}, {cron_timezone})")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def eager() -> "AndAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition which will cause a target to be executed if any of its dependencies update, and will execute missing partitions if they become missing after this condition is applied to the target. This will not execute targets that have any missing or in progress dependencies, or are currently in progress. For time partitioned assets, only the latest time partition will be considered. """ return ( AutomationCondition.in_latest_time_window() & ( AutomationCondition.newly_missing() | AutomationCondition.any_deps_updated() ).since_last_handled() & ~AutomationCondition.any_deps_missing() & ~AutomationCondition.any_deps_in_progress() & ~AutomationCondition.in_progress() ).with_label("eager")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def on_cron(cron_schedule: str, cron_timezone: str = "UTC") -> "AndAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition which will cause a target to be executed on a given cron schedule, after all of its dependencies have been updated since the latest tick of that cron schedule. For time partitioned assets, only the latest time partition will be considered. """ return ( AutomationCondition.in_latest_time_window() & AutomationCondition.cron_tick_passed( cron_schedule, cron_timezone ).since_last_handled() & AutomationCondition.all_deps_updated_since_cron(cron_schedule, cron_timezone) ).with_label(f"on_cron({cron_schedule}, {cron_timezone})")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def on_missing() -> "AndAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition which will execute partitions of the target that are added after this condition is applied to the asset. This will not execute targets that have any missing dependencies. For time partitioned assets, only the latest time partition will be considered. """ return ( AutomationCondition.in_latest_time_window() & ( AutomationCondition.missing() .newly_true() .since_last_handled() .with_label("missing_since_last_handled") ) & ~AutomationCondition.any_deps_missing() ).with_label("on_missing")
[docs] @public @experimental @staticmethod def any_downstream_conditions() -> "BuiltinAutomationCondition": """Returns an AutomationCondition which represents the union of all distinct downstream conditions.""" from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.operators import ( AnyDownstreamConditionsCondition, ) return AnyDownstreamConditionsCondition()
@record class BuiltinAutomationCondition(AutomationCondition[T_EntityKey]): """Base class for AutomationConditions provided by the core dagster framework.""" label: Optional[str] = None def get_label(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.label @public def with_label(self, label: Optional[str]) -> Self: """Returns a copy of this AutomationCondition with a human-readable label.""" return copy(self, label=label) class AutomationResult(Generic[T_EntityKey]): """The result of evaluating an AutomationCondition.""" def __init__( self, context: "AutomationContext", true_subset: EntitySubset[T_EntityKey], cursor: Optional[str] = None, child_results: Optional[Sequence["AutomationResult"]] = None, **kwargs, ): from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_automation.automation_context import ( AutomationContext, ) self._context = check.inst_param(context, "context", AutomationContext) self._true_subset = check.inst_param(true_subset, "true_subset", EntitySubset) self._child_results = check.opt_sequence_param( child_results, "child_results", of_type=AutomationResult ) self._start_timestamp = context.create_time.timestamp() self._end_timestamp = get_current_timestamp() # hidden_param which should only be set by legacy RuleConditions self._subsets_with_metadata = check.opt_sequence_param( kwargs.get("subsets_with_metadata"), "subsets_with_metadata", AssetSubsetWithMetadata ) # hidden_param which should only be set by builtin conditions which require high performance # in their serdes layer structured_cursor = kwargs.get("structured_cursor") invalid_hidden_params = set(kwargs.keys()) - {"subsets_with_metadata", "structured_cursor"} check.param_invariant( not invalid_hidden_params, "kwargs", f"Invalid hidden params: {invalid_hidden_params}" ) check.param_invariant( not (cursor and structured_cursor), "structured_cursor", "Cannot provide both cursor and structured_cursor.", ) self._extra_state = check.opt_str_param(cursor, "cursor") or structured_cursor # used to enable the evaluator class to modify the evaluation in some edge cases self._serializable_subset_override: Optional[SerializableEntitySubset] = None @property def key(self) -> T_EntityKey: return self._true_subset.key @property def true_subset(self) -> EntitySubset[T_EntityKey]: return self._true_subset @property def start_timestamp(self) -> float: return self._start_timestamp @property def end_timestamp(self) -> float: return self._end_timestamp @property def child_results(self) -> Sequence["AutomationResult"]: return self._child_results @property def condition(self) -> AutomationCondition: return self._context.condition @property def condition_unique_id(self) -> str: return self._context.condition_unique_id @cached_property def value_hash(self) -> str: """An identifier for the contents of this AutomationResult. This will be identical for results with identical values, allowing us to avoid storing redundant information. """ components: Sequence[str] = [ self.condition_unique_id, self.condition.description, _compute_subset_value_str(self.get_serializable_subset()), _compute_subset_value_str( self._context.candidate_subset.convert_to_serializable_subset() ), *(_compute_subset_with_metadata_value_str(swm) for swm in self._subsets_with_metadata), *(child_result.value_hash for child_result in self._child_results), ] return non_secure_md5_hash_str("".join(components).encode("utf-8")) @cached_property def node_cursor(self) -> Optional[AutomationConditionNodeCursor]: """Cursor value storing information about this specific evaluation node, if required.""" if not self.condition.requires_cursor: return None return AutomationConditionNodeCursor( true_subset=self.get_serializable_subset(), candidate_subset=get_serializable_candidate_subset( self._context.candidate_subset.convert_to_serializable_subset() ), subsets_with_metadata=self._subsets_with_metadata, extra_state=self._extra_state, ) @cached_property def serializable_evaluation(self) -> AutomationConditionEvaluation: return AutomationConditionEvaluation( condition_snapshot=self.condition.get_node_snapshot(self.condition_unique_id), true_subset=self.get_serializable_subset(), candidate_subset=get_serializable_candidate_subset( self._context.candidate_subset.convert_to_serializable_subset() ), subsets_with_metadata=self._subsets_with_metadata, start_timestamp=self._start_timestamp, end_timestamp=self._end_timestamp, child_evaluations=[ child_result.serializable_evaluation for child_result in self._child_results ], ) def set_internal_serializable_subset_override(self, override: SerializableEntitySubset) -> None: """Internal method for handling edge cases in which the serializable evaluation must be updated after evaluation completes. """ self._serializable_subset_override = override def get_child_node_cursors(self) -> Mapping[str, AutomationConditionNodeCursor]: node_cursors = {self.condition_unique_id: self.node_cursor} if self.node_cursor else {} for child_result in self._child_results: node_cursors.update(child_result.get_child_node_cursors()) return node_cursors def get_new_cursor(self) -> AutomationConditionCursor: return AutomationConditionCursor( previous_requested_subset=self.serializable_evaluation.true_subset, effective_timestamp=self._context.evaluation_time.timestamp(), last_event_id=self._context.max_storage_id, node_cursors_by_unique_id=self.get_child_node_cursors(), result_value_hash=self.value_hash, ) def get_serializable_subset(self) -> SerializableEntitySubset: return ( self.true_subset.convert_to_serializable_subset() or self._serializable_subset_override ) def compute_legacy_expected_data_time(self) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: from dagster._core.definitions.freshness_based_auto_materialize import ( get_expected_data_time_for_asset_key, ) legacy_context = self._context._legacy_context # noqa if legacy_context: return get_expected_data_time_for_asset_key( legacy_context, will_materialize=not self.true_subset.is_empty ) return None def pprint(self, indent=0) -> str: ret = f"AutomationResult(label={}, description={self.condition.description}, true={self.true_subset})" for child in self.child_results: nindent = indent + 4 ret += f"\n{' '*nindent}{child.pprint(indent=nindent)}" return ret def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.pprint() def _compute_subset_value_str(subset: SerializableEntitySubset) -> str: """Computes a unique string representing a given AssetSubsets. This string will be equal for equivalent AssetSubsets. """ if isinstance(subset.value, bool): return str(subset.value) elif isinstance(subset.value, AllPartitionsSubset): return AllPartitionsSubset.__name__ elif isinstance(subset.value, TimeWindowPartitionsSubset): return str( [ (tw.start.timestamp(), tw.end.timestamp()) for tw in sorted(subset.value.included_time_windows) ] ) else: return str(list(sorted(subset.subset_value.get_partition_keys()))) def _compute_subset_with_metadata_value_str(subset_with_metadata: AssetSubsetWithMetadata): return _compute_subset_value_str(subset_with_metadata.subset) + str( sorted(subset_with_metadata.frozen_metadata) )