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Source code for dagster_aws.pipes.clients.emr

import os
import sys
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, cast

import boto3
import dagster._check as check
from dagster import MetadataValue, PipesClient
from dagster._annotations import experimental, public
from dagster._core.definitions.metadata import RawMetadataMapping
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_annotation import TreatAsResourceParam
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterExecutionInterruptedError
from dagster._core.execution.context.asset_execution_context import AssetExecutionContext
from dagster._core.execution.context.compute import OpExecutionContext
from dagster._core.pipes.client import (
from dagster._core.pipes.utils import PipesEnvContextInjector, PipesSession, open_pipes_session

from dagster_aws.emr.emr import EMR_CLUSTER_TERMINATED_STATES
from dagster_aws.pipes.message_readers import (

    from mypy_boto3_emr import EMRClient
    from mypy_boto3_emr.literals import ClusterStateType
    from mypy_boto3_emr.type_defs import (

def add_configuration(
    configurations: list["ConfigurationUnionTypeDef"],
    configuration: "ConfigurationUnionTypeDef",
    """Add a configuration to a list of EMR configurations, merging configurations with the same classification.

    This is necessary because EMR doesn't accept multiple configurations with the same classification.
    for existing_configuration in configurations:
        if existing_configuration.get("Classification") is not None and existing_configuration.get(
        ) == configuration.get("Classification"):
            properties = {**existing_configuration.get("Properties", {})}

            inner_configurations = cast(
                list["ConfigurationUnionTypeDef"], existing_configuration.get("Configurations", [])

            for inner_configuration in cast(
                list["ConfigurationUnionTypeDef"], configuration.get("Configurations", [])
                add_configuration(inner_configurations, inner_configuration)

            existing_configuration["Properties"] = properties
            existing_configuration["Configurations"] = inner_configurations  # type: ignore


[docs] @public @experimental class PipesEMRClient(PipesClient, TreatAsResourceParam): """A pipes client for running jobs on AWS EMR. Args: message_reader (Optional[PipesMessageReader]): A message reader to use to read messages from the EMR jobs. Recommended to use :py:class:`PipesS3MessageReader` with `expect_s3_message_writer` set to `True`. client (Optional[boto3.client]): The boto3 EMR client used to interact with AWS EMR. context_injector (Optional[PipesContextInjector]): A context injector to use to inject context into AWS EMR job. Defaults to :py:class:`PipesEnvContextInjector`. forward_termination (bool): Whether to cancel the EMR job if the Dagster process receives a termination signal. wait_for_s3_logs_seconds (int): The number of seconds to wait for S3 logs to be written after execution completes. """ def __init__( self, message_reader: PipesMessageReader, client=None, context_injector: Optional[PipesContextInjector] = None, forward_termination: bool = True, wait_for_s3_logs_seconds: int = 10, ): self._client = client or boto3.client("emr") self._message_reader = message_reader self._context_injector = context_injector or PipesEnvContextInjector() self.forward_termination = check.bool_param(forward_termination, "forward_termination") self.wait_for_s3_logs_seconds = wait_for_s3_logs_seconds @property def client(self) -> "EMRClient": return self._client @property def context_injector(self) -> PipesContextInjector: return self._context_injector @property def message_reader(self) -> PipesMessageReader: return self._message_reader @classmethod def _is_dagster_maintained(cls) -> bool: return True
[docs] @public def run( self, *, context: Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext], run_job_flow_params: "RunJobFlowInputRequestTypeDef", extras: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> PipesClientCompletedInvocation: """Run a job on AWS EMR, enriched with the pipes protocol. Starts a new EMR cluster for each invocation. Args: context (Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext]): The context of the currently executing Dagster op or asset. run_job_flow_params (Optional[dict]): Parameters for the ``run_job_flow`` boto3 EMR client call. See `Boto3 EMR API Documentation <>`_ extras (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Additional information to pass to the Pipes session in the external process. Returns: PipesClientCompletedInvocation: Wrapper containing results reported by the external process. """ with open_pipes_session( context=context, message_reader=self.message_reader, context_injector=self.context_injector, extras=extras, ) as session: run_job_flow_params = self._enrich_params(session, run_job_flow_params) start_response = self._start(context, session, run_job_flow_params) try: self._add_log_readers(context, start_response) wait_response = self._wait_for_completion(context, start_response) self._read_application_logs(context, session, wait_response) return PipesClientCompletedInvocation( session, metadata=self._extract_dagster_metadata(wait_response) ) except DagsterExecutionInterruptedError: if self.forward_termination: context.log.warning( "[pipes] Dagster process interrupted! Will terminate external EMR job." ) self._terminate(context, start_response) raise
def _enrich_params( self, session: PipesSession, params: "RunJobFlowInputRequestTypeDef" ) -> "RunJobFlowInputRequestTypeDef": # add Pipes env variables pipes_env_vars = session.get_bootstrap_env_vars() configurations = cast(list["ConfigurationUnionTypeDef"], params.get("Configurations", [])) # add all possible env vars to spark-defaults, spark-env, yarn-env, hadoop-env # since we can't be sure which one will be used by the job add_configuration( configurations, { "Classification": "spark-defaults", "Properties": { f"spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.{var}": value for var, value in pipes_env_vars.items() }, }, ) for classification in ["spark-env", "yarn-env", "hadoop-env"]: add_configuration( configurations, { "Classification": classification, "Configurations": [ { "Classification": "export", "Properties": pipes_env_vars, } ], }, ) params["Configurations"] = configurations tags = list(params.get("Tags", [])) for key, value in session.default_remote_invocation_info.items(): tags.append({"Key": key, "Value": value}) params["Tags"] = tags return params def _start( self, context: Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext], session: PipesSession, params: "RunJobFlowInputRequestTypeDef", ) -> "RunJobFlowOutputTypeDef": response = self._client.run_job_flow(**params) session.report_launched({"extras": response}) cluster_id = response["JobFlowId"]"[pipes] EMR steps started in cluster {cluster_id}") return response def _wait_for_completion( self, context: Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext], response: "RunJobFlowOutputTypeDef", ) -> "DescribeClusterOutputTypeDef": cluster_id = response["JobFlowId"] self._client.get_waiter("cluster_running").wait(ClusterId=cluster_id)"[pipes] EMR cluster {cluster_id} running") # now wait for the job to complete self._client.get_waiter("cluster_terminated").wait(ClusterId=cluster_id) cluster = self._client.describe_cluster(ClusterId=cluster_id) state: ClusterStateType = cluster["Cluster"]["Status"]["State"]"[pipes] EMR cluster {cluster_id} completed with state: {state}") if state in EMR_CLUSTER_TERMINATED_STATES: context.log.error(f"[pipes] EMR job {cluster_id} failed") raise Exception(f"[pipes] EMR job {cluster_id} failed:\n{cluster}") return cluster def _add_log_readers( self, context: Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext], response: "RunJobFlowOutputTypeDef", ): cluster = self.client.describe_cluster(ClusterId=response["JobFlowId"]) cluster_id = cluster["Cluster"]["Id"] # type: ignore logs_uri = cluster.get("Cluster", {}).get("LogUri", {}) if isinstance(self.message_reader, PipesS3MessageReader) and logs_uri is None: context.log.warning( "[pipes] LogUri is not set in the EMR cluster configuration. Won't be able to read logs." ) elif isinstance(self.message_reader, PipesS3MessageReader) and isinstance(logs_uri, str): bucket = logs_uri.split("/")[2] prefix = "/".join(logs_uri.split("/")[3:]) steps = self.client.list_steps(ClusterId=cluster_id) # forward stdout and stderr from each step for step in steps["Steps"]: step_id = step["Id"] # type: ignore for stdio in ["stdout", "stderr"]: # at this stage we can't know if this key will be created # for example, if a step doesn't have any stdout/stderr logs # the PipesS3LogReader won't be able to start # this may result in some unnecessary warnings # there is not much we can do about it except perform step logs reading # after the job is completed, which is not ideal too key = os.path.join(prefix, f"{cluster_id}/steps/{step_id}/{stdio}.gz") self.message_reader.add_log_reader( log_reader=PipesS3LogReader( client=self.message_reader.client, bucket=bucket, key=key, decode_fn=gzip_log_decode_fn, target_stream=sys.stdout if stdio == "stdout" else sys.stderr, debug_info=f"reader for {stdio} of EMR step {step_id}", ), ) def _read_application_logs( self, context: Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext], session: PipesSession, response: "DescribeClusterOutputTypeDef", ): if ( isinstance(self.message_reader, PipesS3MessageReader) and self.message_reader.include_stdio_in_messages ): # driver logs already have been consumed from Pipes messages # no need to read any files from S3 return cluster_id = response["Cluster"]["Id"] # type: ignore logs_uri = response.get("Cluster", {}).get("LogUri", {}) if isinstance(self.message_reader, PipesS3MessageReader) and isinstance(logs_uri, str): bucket = logs_uri.split("/")[2] prefix = "/".join(logs_uri.split("/")[3:]) # discover container (application) logs (e.g. Python logs) and forward all of them # ex. /containers/application_1727881613116_0001/container_1727881613116_0001_01_000001/stdout.gz containers_prefix = os.path.join(prefix, f"{cluster_id}/containers/") context.log.debug( f"[pipes] Waiting for {self.wait_for_s3_logs_seconds} seconds to allow EMR to dump all logs to S3. " "Consider increasing this value if some logs are missing." ) time.sleep(self.wait_for_s3_logs_seconds) # give EMR a chance to dump all logs to S3 context.log.debug( f"[pipes] Looking for application logs in s3://{os.path.join(bucket, containers_prefix)}" ) all_keys = [ obj["Key"] for obj in self.message_reader.client.list_objects_v2( Bucket=bucket, Prefix=containers_prefix )["Contents"] ] # filter keys which include stdout.gz or stderr.gz container_log_keys = {} for key in all_keys: if "stdout.gz" in key: container_log_keys[key] = "stdout" elif "stderr.gz" in key: container_log_keys[key] = "stderr" # forward application logs for key, stdio in container_log_keys.items(): container_id = key.split("/")[-2] self.message_reader.add_log_reader( log_reader=PipesS3LogReader( client=self.message_reader.client, bucket=bucket, key=key, decode_fn=gzip_log_decode_fn, target_stream=sys.stdout if stdio == "stdout" else sys.stderr, debug_info=f"log reader for container {container_id} {stdio}", ), ) def _extract_dagster_metadata( self, response: "DescribeClusterOutputTypeDef" ) -> RawMetadataMapping: metadata: RawMetadataMapping = {} region = self.client.meta.region_name cluster = response["Cluster"] if cluster_id := cluster.get("Id"): metadata["AWS EMR Cluster ID"] = cluster_id if log_uri := cluster.get("LogUri"): # LogUri originally points to a shared S3 bucket where logs from all clusters are stored # which is not very useful metadata["AWS EMR Log URI"] = MetadataValue.path(log_uri + f"{cluster_id}") if cluster_id: metadata["AWS EMR Cluster"] = MetadataValue.url( f"https://{region}{region}#/clusterDetails/{cluster_id}" ) return metadata def _terminate( self, context: Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext], start_response: "RunJobFlowOutputTypeDef", ): cluster_id = start_response["JobFlowId"]"[pipes] Terminating EMR job {cluster_id}") self._client.terminate_job_flows(JobFlowIds=[cluster_id])