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Source code for dagster_mlflow.resources

"""This module contains the mlflow resource provided by the MlFlow
class. This resource provides an easy way to configure mlflow for logging various
things from dagster runs.

import atexit
import sys
from itertools import islice
from os import environ
from typing import Any, Optional

import mlflow
from dagster import Field, Noneable, Permissive, StringSource, resource
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition import dagster_maintained_resource
from dagster._utils.backoff import backoff
from mlflow.entities.run_status import RunStatus
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException

    "experiment_name": Field(StringSource, is_required=True, description="MlFlow experiment name."),
    "mlflow_tracking_uri": Field(
        description="MlFlow tracking server uri.",
    "parent_run_id": Field(
        description="Mlflow run ID of parent run if this is a nested run.",
    "mlflow_run_id": Field(
        description="Mlflow run ID to use for this run.",
    "env": Field(Permissive(), description="Environment variables for mlflow setup."),
    "env_to_tag": Field(
        description="List of environment variables to log as tags in mlflow.",
    "extra_tags": Field(Permissive(), description="Any extra key-value tags to log to mlflow."),

class MlflowMeta(type):
    """Mlflow Metaclass to create methods that "inherit" all of Mlflow's
    methods. If the class has a method defined it is excluded from the
    attribute setting from mlflow.

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        class_cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        for attr in (attr for attr in dir(mlflow) if attr not in dir(class_cls)):
            mlflow_attribute = getattr(mlflow, attr)
            if callable(mlflow_attribute):
                setattr(class_cls, attr, staticmethod(mlflow_attribute))
                setattr(class_cls, attr, mlflow_attribute)
        return class_cls

class MlFlow(metaclass=MlflowMeta):
    """Class for setting up an mlflow resource for dagster runs.
    This takes care of all the configuration required to use mlflow tracking and the complexities of
    mlflow tracking dagster parallel runs.

    def __init__(self, context):
        # Context associated attributes
        self.log = context.log
        self.run_name = context.dagster_run.job_name
        self.dagster_run_id = context.run_id

        # resource config attributes
        resource_config = context.resource_config
        self.tracking_uri = resource_config.get("mlflow_tracking_uri")
        if self.tracking_uri:
        self.parent_run_id = resource_config.get("parent_run_id")
        self.mlflow_run_id = resource_config.get("mlflow_run_id")
        self.experiment_name = resource_config["experiment_name"]
        self.env_tags_to_log = resource_config.get("env_to_tag") or []
        self.extra_tags = resource_config.get("extra_tags")

        # Update env variables if any are given
        self.env_vars = resource_config.get("env", {})
        if self.env_vars:

        # If the experiment exists then the set won't do anything
        self.experiment = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(self.experiment_name)

        # Get the client object
        self.tracking_client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()

        # Set up the active run and tags

    def _setup(self):
        """Sets the active run and tags. If an Mlflow run_id exists then the
        active run is set to it. This way a single Dagster run outputs data
        to the same Mlflow run, even when multiprocess executors are used.
        # If already set in self then use that mlflow_run_id, else search for the run
        if self.mlflow_run_id is None:
            run_id = self._get_current_run_id()
            self.mlflow_run_id = run_id
            run_id = self.mlflow_run_id

        # hack needed to stop mlflow from marking run as finished when
        # a process exits in parallel runs

    def _get_current_run_id(
        self, experiment: Optional[Any] = None, dagster_run_id: Optional[str] = None
        """Gets the run id of a specific dagster run and experiment id.
        If it doesn't exist then it returns a None.

            experiment (optional): Mlflow experiment.
            When none is passed it fetches the experiment object set in
            the constructor.  Defaults to None.
            dagster_run_id (optional): The Dagster run id.
            When none is passed it fetches the dagster_run_id object set in
            the constructor.  Defaults to None.

            run_id (str or None): run_id if it is found else None
        experiment = experiment or self.experiment
        dagster_run_id = dagster_run_id or self.dagster_run_id
        if experiment:
            # Check if a run with this dagster run id has already been started
            # in mlflow, will get an empty dataframe if not.
            # Note: Search requests have a lower rate limit than others, so we
            # need to limit/retry searches where possible.
            current_run_df = backoff(
                    "experiment_ids": [experiment.experiment_id],
                    "filter_string": f"tags.dagster_run_id='{dagster_run_id}'",
            if not current_run_df.empty:
                return current_run_df.run_id.values[0]

    def _set_active_run(self, run_id=None):
        """This method sets the active run to be that of the specified
        run_id. If None is passed then a new run is started. The new run also
        takes care of nested runs.

            run_id (str, optional): Mlflow run_id. Defaults to None.
        nested_run = False
        if self.parent_run_id is not None:
            self._start_run(run_id=self.parent_run_id, run_name=self.run_name)
            nested_run = True
        self._start_run(run_id=run_id, run_name=self.run_name, nested=nested_run)

    def _start_run(self, **kwargs):
        """Catches the Mlflow exception if a run is already active."""
            # If a run_id is passed, mlflow will generally not start a new run
            # and instead, it will just be set as the active run
            run = mlflow.start_run(**kwargs)
                f"Starting a new mlflow run with id {} "
                f"in experiment {self.experiment_name}"
        except Exception as ex:
            run = mlflow.active_run()
            if "is already active" not in str(ex):
                raise (ex)
  "Run with id {} is already active.")

    def _set_all_tags(self):
        """Method collects dagster_run_id plus all env variables/tags that have been
            specified by the user in the config_schema and logs them as tags in mlflow.

            tags [dict]: Dictionary of all the tags
        tags = {tag: environ.get(tag) for tag in self.env_tags_to_log}
        tags["dagster_run_id"] = self.dagster_run_id
        if self.extra_tags:


    def cleanup_on_error(self):
        """Method ends mlflow run with correct exit status for failed runs. Note that
        this method does not work when a job running in the webserver fails, it seems
        that in this case a different process runs the job and when it fails
        the stack trace is therefore not available. For this case we can use the
        cleanup_on_failure hook defined below.
        any_error = sys.exc_info()

        if any_error[1]:
            if isinstance(any_error[1], KeyboardInterrupt):

    def log_params(params: dict):
        """Overload of the mlflow.log_params. If len(params) >100 then
        params is sent to mlflow in chunks.

            params (dict): Parameters to be logged
        for param_chunk in MlFlow.chunks(params, 100):

    def chunks(params: dict, size: int = 100):
        """Method that chunks a dictionary into batches of size.

            params (dict): Dictionary set to be batched
            size (int, optional): Number of batches. Defaults to 100.

            (dict): Batch of dictionary
        it = iter(params)
        for _ in range(0, len(params), size):
            yield {k: params[k] for k in islice(it, size)}

[docs] @dagster_maintained_resource @resource(config_schema=CONFIG_SCHEMA) def mlflow_tracking(context): """This resource initializes an MLflow run that's used for all steps within a Dagster run. This resource provides access to all of mlflow's methods as well as the mlflow tracking client's methods. Usage: 1. Add the mlflow resource to any ops in which you want to invoke mlflow tracking APIs. 2. Add the `end_mlflow_on_run_finished` hook to your job to end the MLflow run when the Dagster run is finished. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_mlflow import end_mlflow_on_run_finished, mlflow_tracking @op(required_resource_keys={"mlflow"}) def mlflow_op(context): mlflow.log_params(some_params) mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient().create_registered_model(some_model_name) @end_mlflow_on_run_finished @job(resource_defs={"mlflow": mlflow_tracking}) def mlf_example(): mlflow_op() # example using an mlflow instance with s3 storage mlf_example.execute_in_process(run_config={ "resources": { "mlflow": { "config": { "experiment_name": my_experiment, "mlflow_tracking_uri": "http://localhost:5000", # if want to run a nested run, provide parent_run_id "parent_run_id": an_existing_mlflow_run_id, # if you want to resume a run or avoid creating a new run in the resource init, # provide mlflow_run_id "mlflow_run_id": an_existing_mlflow_run_id, # env variables to pass to mlflow "env": { "MLFLOW_S3_ENDPOINT_URL": my_s3_endpoint, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": my_aws_key_id, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": my_secret, }, # env variables you want to log as mlflow tags "env_to_tag": ["DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG"], # key-value tags to add to your experiment "extra_tags": {"super": "experiment"}, } } } }) """ mlf = MlFlow(context) yield mlf mlf.cleanup_on_error()