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Source code for dagster_powerbi.resource

import abc
import json
import re
import time
from import Mapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import requests
from dagster import (
    _check as check,
from dagster._annotations import deprecated, experimental, public
from dagster._config.pythonic_config.resource import ResourceDependency
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_spec import AssetSpec
from dagster._core.definitions.definitions_load_context import StateBackedDefinitionsLoader
from import Failure
from dagster._time import get_current_timestamp
from dagster._utils.cached_method import cached_method
from import non_secure_md5_hash_str
from dagster._utils.warnings import deprecation_warning
from pydantic import Field, PrivateAttr

from dagster_powerbi.translator import (



def _clean_op_name(name: str) -> str:
    """Cleans an input to be a valid Dagster op name."""
    return re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9A-Z]+", "_", name)

def generate_data_source_id(data_source: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    """Generates a unique ID for a data source based on its properties.
    We use this for cases where the API does not provide a unique ID for a data source.
    This ID is never surfaced to the user and is only used internally to track dependencies.
    return non_secure_md5_hash_str(json.dumps(data_source, sort_keys=True).encode())

class PowerBICredentials(ConfigurableResource, abc.ABC):
    def api_token(self) -> str: ...

[docs] class PowerBIToken(ConfigurableResource): """Authenticates with PowerBI directly using an API access token.""" api_token: str = Field(..., description="An API access token used to connect to PowerBI.")
MICROSOFT_LOGIN_URL = "{tenant_id}/oauth2/token"
[docs] class PowerBIServicePrincipal(ConfigurableResource): """Authenticates with PowerBI using a service principal.""" client_id: str = Field(..., description="The application client ID for the service principal.") client_secret: str = Field( ..., description="A client secret created for the service principal." ) tenant_id: str = Field( ..., description="The Entra tenant ID where service principal was created." ) _api_token: Optional[str] = PrivateAttr(default=None) def get_api_token(self) -> str: headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} login_url = MICROSOFT_LOGIN_URL.format(tenant_id=self.tenant_id) response = url=login_url, headers=headers, data=( "grant_type=client_credentials" "&resource=" f"&client_id={self.client_id}" f"&client_secret={self.client_secret}" ), allow_redirects=True, ) response.raise_for_status() out = response.json() self._api_token = out["access_token"] return out["access_token"] @property def api_token(self) -> str: if not self._api_token: return self.get_api_token() return self._api_token
[docs] class PowerBIWorkspace(ConfigurableResource): """Represents a workspace in PowerBI and provides utilities to interact with the PowerBI API. """ credentials: ResourceDependency[PowerBICredentials] workspace_id: str = Field(..., description="The ID of the PowerBI group to use.") refresh_poll_interval: int = Field( default=5, description="The interval in seconds to poll for refresh status." ) refresh_timeout: int = Field( default=300, description="The maximum time in seconds to wait for a refresh to complete.", ) @cached_property def _api_token(self) -> str: return self.credentials.api_token def _fetch( self, endpoint: str, method: str = "GET", json: Any = None, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, group_scoped: bool = True, ) -> requests.Response: """Fetch JSON data from the PowerBI API. Raises an exception if the request fails. Args: endpoint (str): The API endpoint to fetch data from. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The JSON data returned from the API. """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {self._api_token}", } base_url = f"{BASE_API_URL}/groups/{self.workspace_id}" if group_scoped else BASE_API_URL url = f"{base_url}/{endpoint}" if params: url_parameters = urlencode(params) if params else None url = f"{url}?{url_parameters}" response = requests.request( method=method, url=url, headers=headers, json=json, allow_redirects=True, ) response.raise_for_status() return response def _fetch_json( self, endpoint: str, method: str = "GET", json: Any = None, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, group_scoped: bool = True, ) -> dict[str, Any]: return self._fetch(endpoint, method, json, group_scoped=group_scoped, params=params).json()
[docs] @public def trigger_and_poll_refresh(self, dataset_id: str) -> None: """Triggers a refresh of a PowerBI dataset and polls until it completes or fails.""" self.trigger_refresh(dataset_id) self.poll_refresh(dataset_id)
[docs] @public def trigger_refresh(self, dataset_id: str) -> None: """Triggers a refresh of a PowerBI dataset.""" response = self._fetch( method="POST", endpoint=f"datasets/{dataset_id}/refreshes", json={"notifyOption": "NoNotification"}, group_scoped=True, ) if response.status_code != 202: raise Failure(f"Refresh failed to start: {response.content}")
[docs] @public def poll_refresh(self, dataset_id: str) -> None: """Polls the refresh status of a PowerBI dataset until it completes or fails.""" status = None start = time.monotonic() while status not in ["Completed", "Failed"]: if time.monotonic() - start > self.refresh_timeout: raise Failure(f"Refresh timed out after {self.refresh_timeout} seconds.") last_refresh = self._fetch_json( f"datasets/{dataset_id}/refreshes", group_scoped=True, )["value"][0] status = last_refresh["status"] time.sleep(self.refresh_poll_interval) if status == "Failed": error = last_refresh.get("serviceExceptionJson") raise Failure(f"Refresh failed: {error}")
@cached_method def _get_reports(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Fetches a list of all PowerBI reports in the workspace.""" return self._fetch_json("reports") @cached_method def _get_semantic_models(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Fetches a list of all PowerBI semantic models in the workspace.""" return self._fetch_json("datasets") @cached_method def _get_semantic_model_sources(self, dataset_id: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Fetches a list of all data sources for a given semantic model.""" return self._fetch_json(f"datasets/{dataset_id}/datasources") @cached_method def _get_dashboards(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Fetches a list of all PowerBI dashboards in the workspace.""" return self._fetch_json("dashboards") @cached_method def _get_dashboard_tiles(self, dashboard_id: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Fetches a list of all tiles for a given PowerBI dashboard, including which reports back each tile. """ return self._fetch_json(f"dashboards/{dashboard_id}/tiles") @cached_method def _scan(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: submission = self._fetch_json( method="POST", endpoint="admin/workspaces/getInfo", group_scoped=False, json={"workspaces": [self.workspace_id]}, params={ "lineage": "true", "datasourceDetails": "true", "datasetSchema": "true", "datasetExpressions": "true", }, ) scan_id = submission["id"] now = get_current_timestamp() start_time = now status = None while status != "Succeeded" and now - start_time < ADMIN_SCAN_TIMEOUT: scan_details = self._fetch_json( endpoint=f"admin/workspaces/scanStatus/{scan_id}", group_scoped=False ) status = scan_details["status"] time.sleep(0.1) now = get_current_timestamp() if status != "Succeeded": raise Failure(f"Scan not successful after {ADMIN_SCAN_TIMEOUT} seconds: {scan_details}") return self._fetch_json( endpoint=f"admin/workspaces/scanResult/{scan_id}", group_scoped=False ) def _fetch_powerbi_workspace_data(self, use_workspace_scan: bool) -> PowerBIWorkspaceData: """Retrieves all Power BI content from the workspace and returns it as a PowerBIWorkspaceData object. Future work will cache this data to avoid repeated calls to the Power BI API. Args: use_workspace_scan (bool): Whether to scan the entire workspace using admin APIs at once to get all content. Returns: PowerBIWorkspaceData: A snapshot of the Power BI workspace's content. """ if use_workspace_scan: return self._fetch_powerbi_workspace_data_scan() return self._fetch_powerbi_workspace_data_legacy() def _fetch_powerbi_workspace_data_scan(self) -> PowerBIWorkspaceData: scan_result = self._scan() augmented_dashboard_data = scan_result["workspaces"][0]["dashboards"] dashboards = [ PowerBIContentData(content_type=PowerBIContentType.DASHBOARD, properties=data) for data in augmented_dashboard_data ] reports = [ PowerBIContentData(content_type=PowerBIContentType.REPORT, properties=data) for data in scan_result["workspaces"][0]["reports"] ] semantic_models_data = scan_result["workspaces"][0]["datasets"] semantic_models = [ PowerBIContentData(content_type=PowerBIContentType.SEMANTIC_MODEL, properties=dataset) for dataset in semantic_models_data ] return PowerBIWorkspaceData.from_content_data( self.workspace_id, dashboards + reports + semantic_models ) def _fetch_powerbi_workspace_data_legacy(self) -> PowerBIWorkspaceData: dashboard_data = self._get_dashboards()["value"] augmented_dashboard_data = [ {**dashboard, "tiles": self._get_dashboard_tiles(dashboard["id"])["value"]} for dashboard in dashboard_data ] dashboards = [ PowerBIContentData(content_type=PowerBIContentType.DASHBOARD, properties=data) for data in augmented_dashboard_data ] reports = [ PowerBIContentData(content_type=PowerBIContentType.REPORT, properties=data) for data in self._get_reports()["value"] ] semantic_models_data = self._get_semantic_models()["value"] data_sources = [] for dataset in semantic_models_data: dataset_sources = self._get_semantic_model_sources(dataset["id"])["value"] dataset_sources_with_id = [ source if "datasourceId" in source else {"datasourceId": generate_data_source_id(source), **source} for source in dataset_sources ] dataset["sources"] = [source["datasourceId"] for source in dataset_sources_with_id] for data_source in dataset_sources_with_id: data_sources.append( PowerBIContentData( content_type=PowerBIContentType.DATA_SOURCE, properties=data_source ) ) semantic_models = [ PowerBIContentData(content_type=PowerBIContentType.SEMANTIC_MODEL, properties=dataset) for dataset in semantic_models_data ] return PowerBIWorkspaceData.from_content_data( self.workspace_id, dashboards + reports + semantic_models + data_sources, )
[docs] @public @deprecated( breaking_version="1.9.0", additional_warn_text="Use dagster_powerbi.load_powerbi_asset_specs instead", ) def build_defs( self, dagster_powerbi_translator: type[DagsterPowerBITranslator] = DagsterPowerBITranslator, enable_refresh_semantic_models: bool = False, ) -> Definitions: """Returns a Definitions object which will load Power BI content from the workspace and translate it into assets, using the provided translator. Args: context (Optional[DefinitionsLoadContext]): The context to use when loading the definitions. If not provided, retrieved contextually. dagster_powerbi_translator (Type[DagsterPowerBITranslator]): The translator to use to convert Power BI content into AssetSpecs. Defaults to DagsterPowerBITranslator. enable_refresh_semantic_models (bool): Whether to enable refreshing semantic models by materializing them in Dagster. Returns: Definitions: A Definitions object which will build and return the Power BI content. """ from dagster_powerbi.assets import build_semantic_model_refresh_asset_definition resource_key = f'power_bi_{self.workspace_id.replace("-", "_")}' return Definitions( assets=[ build_semantic_model_refresh_asset_definition(resource_key, spec) if PowerBITagSet.extract(spec.tags).asset_type == "semantic_model" else spec for spec in load_powerbi_asset_specs( self, dagster_powerbi_translator(), use_workspace_scan=False ) ], resources={resource_key: self}, )
[docs] @experimental def load_powerbi_asset_specs( workspace: PowerBIWorkspace, dagster_powerbi_translator: Optional[ Union[DagsterPowerBITranslator, type[DagsterPowerBITranslator]] ] = None, use_workspace_scan: bool = True, ) -> Sequence[AssetSpec]: """Returns a list of AssetSpecs representing the Power BI content in the workspace. Args: workspace (PowerBIWorkspace): The Power BI workspace to load assets from. dagster_powerbi_translator (Optional[Union[DagsterPowerBITranslator, Type[DagsterPowerBITranslator]]]): The translator to use to convert Power BI content into :py:class:`dagster.AssetSpec`. Defaults to :py:class:`DagsterPowerBITranslator`. use_workspace_scan (bool): Whether to scan the entire workspace using admin APIs at once to get all content. Defaults to True. Returns: List[AssetSpec]: The set of assets representing the Power BI content in the workspace. """ if isinstance(dagster_powerbi_translator, type): deprecation_warning( subject="Support of `dagster_powerbi_translator` as a Type[DagsterPowerBITranslator]", breaking_version="1.10", additional_warn_text=( "Pass an instance of DagsterPowerBITranslator or subclass to `dagster_powerbi_translator` instead." ), ) dagster_powerbi_translator = dagster_powerbi_translator() with workspace.process_config_and_initialize_cm() as initialized_workspace: return check.is_list( PowerBIWorkspaceDefsLoader( workspace=initialized_workspace, translator=dagster_powerbi_translator or DagsterPowerBITranslator(), use_workspace_scan=use_workspace_scan, ) .build_defs() .assets, AssetSpec, )
@dataclass class PowerBIWorkspaceDefsLoader(StateBackedDefinitionsLoader[PowerBIWorkspaceData]): workspace: PowerBIWorkspace translator: DagsterPowerBITranslator use_workspace_scan: bool @property def defs_key(self) -> str: return f"{POWER_BI_RECONSTRUCTION_METADATA_KEY_PREFIX}/{self.workspace.workspace_id}" def fetch_state(self) -> PowerBIWorkspaceData: with self.workspace.process_config_and_initialize_cm() as initialized_workspace: return initialized_workspace._fetch_powerbi_workspace_data( # noqa: SLF001 use_workspace_scan=self.use_workspace_scan ) def defs_from_state(self, state: PowerBIWorkspaceData) -> Definitions: all_external_data = [ *state.dashboards_by_id.values(), *state.reports_by_id.values(), *state.semantic_models_by_id.values(), ] all_external_asset_specs = [ self.translator.get_asset_spec( PowerBITranslatorData( content_data=content, workspace_data=state, ) ) for content in all_external_data ] return Definitions(assets=[*all_external_asset_specs])